
Yoga Teacher

Saskia is originally from Germany and a graduated Sport Scientist, certified Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Coach. She embraces the practice of Yoga and Mindfulness as nourishment for body, mind and soul.

Her own life journey led her from physically oriented movements to diving deep into nervous system regulating practices. Saskia has a trauma-informed approach and puts emphasis on somatics and embodiment. For her, the mat means a safe space to reconnect, explore, release and rest.

Saskia's classes focus on body awareness, invite a sense of playfulness and are guided by the idea of making yoga accessible to everyone.

"I believe creating a safe and comfortable home within us can help us overcome the daily challenges of life as a human being. Let's find comfort in our physical bodies, build a loving relationship with ourselves and be kind to our minds. When we embrace ourselves for who we are, I believe we can create more open arms and hearts in a world where love and acceptance are the key to unity - within us and around us."

Come as you are and nurture yourself by joining her next class.

Find Saskia on Instagram: