Yoga, Pilates and more...
Kama Yoga is your place to breathe deeply, to find community and to heal. It's the house of yoga in the big city of Copenhagen.
We give you a whole experience...
-Small groups in a boutique yoga studio, fully equipped with professional mats and props from Manduka;
-Certified and knowledgeable yoga teachers, dedicated to their work;
-Variety of classes and workshops;
-Shower, shower gel, hair dryer;
-Coffee, tea, water station;
-Personal lockers;
-Towels for yoga (if you need one);
-Inspiring community and motivation to stay consistent!
Gives you:
access to one yoga or matwork Pilates class per week;
-1 month binding period;
-You can cancel anytime and you will be charged for the current month plus one more month. Your membership will expire by the end of the next month;
-Pause your membership for 14 to 30 days.
-Gives you the possibility to book up to 3 classes in advance.
Gives you:
-access to one yoga or matwork Pilates class per day;
-1 month binding period;
-You can cancel anytime and you will be charged for the current month plus one more month. Your membership will expire by the end of the next month;
-Pause your membership for 14 to 30 days.
-Gives you 10% off of workshops, events and courses;
-Gives you the possibility to book up to 4 classes in advance.
-Access to a private What's App group where you will always have a yoga teacher available to answer your questions and where you will receive a lot of useful information about yoga, philosophy, Ayurveda and more.
- Access to exclusive challenges with prizes;
-Free access to our Dharma Talks.
Gives you:
-Access to all classes without any time limit, including REFORMER;
-15% off of workshops, courses, events and products;
-Pause of your membership for 14 to 45 days.
-Book up to 6 classes on the schedule;
-One month binding period.
-You can cancel anytime and you will be charged for the current month plus one more mont.
-Access to a private What's App group where you will always have a yoga teacher available to answer your questions and where you will receive a lot of useful information about yoga, philosophy, Ayurveda and more.
- Access to exclusive challenges with prizes;
-Free access to our Dharma Talks.
We would love to have you in our community!