6-Weeks Yoga Journey for Postpartum Recovery


Self Care. Empowerment. Community.

New Mom and Baby group starts from 18. August 2024!

Welcome to our transformative 6-week yoga journey designed specifically for postpartum recovery!

Congratulations on your beautiful journey of motherhood! We understand that the postpartum period can be both physically and emotionally challenging. That's why we have crafted a unique yoga program that focuses on nurturing and healing your body, mind, and soul during this special time.

Our 6-week yoga journey is tailored to meet the specific needs of postpartum mothers. Whether you gave birth naturally or through a C-section, our program will provide you with the tools and techniques to regain strength, flexibility, and inner balance.

Each session will guide you through gentle yoga poses and movements that promote healing, relieve tension, and restore vitality. You will learn how to reconnect with your body, release stress, and cultivate a sense of calmness amidst the challenges of motherhood.

But it's not just about the physical benefits. Our program also incorporates mindfulness and meditation practices, allowing you to find inner peace and reconnect with your true self. By dedicating time to self-care, you will enhance your overall well-being and nurture a positive mindset.

Joining our 6-week yoga journey for postpartum recovery is not only an investment in your physical health, but also in your emotional and spiritual well-being. Through the support of our community of like-minded mothers, you will find a safe space to share your experiences, gain valuable insights, and build lifelong friendships.

So, if you're ready to embark on a transformative journey towards postpartum recovery, we invite you to join us for six weeks of rejuvenation, self-discovery, and empowerment. Take this opportunity to prioritize your well-being and embrace the joy of motherhood with renewed strength and vitality.

Sign up today and let our 6-week yoga journey be the foundation for your postpartum recovery. Together, we will create a harmonious balance between body, mind, and spirit as you embark on this beautiful new chapter of your life.

Who is this program for?

The program is for women in their postpartum period (approx. up to 12 months after birth). You can join our classes after your 8-weeks check up with your doctor if you don't have any complications. 

What are we going to do?

We will have six seasons (75 min. each) and we will follow a program. Each week we will focus on a specific area in the body and you will receive exercises as "homework" that you can easily perform daily until our next session. This way we will try to incorporate everything that we do together in your busy life as a new mom. 

We will also learn relaxation and breathing techniques. We will discover some Reiki practices, as well as sound healing, the power of affirmations and more. 

Can we have the babies in the class?

Absolutely! Your baby is more than welcome to be with you. :)

What should I Bring for the class?

We provide everything for the yoga practice, so you don't have to bring anything besides your baby bag. :) Wear comfortable clothes that will allow you to move freely. 

Where can I leave the baby's pram?

We can park the prams in our back yard.And even if you need to leave your baby sleeping there, you can do that! You will need your baby monitor and you are welcome to have it with you in the class.

What if I have complications after birth, but feel like I can still join?

Always make sure to ask your doctor about that. You should always share this with your yoga teacher before the class. Have in mind that our course is designed for women without serious complications and it aims to promote the good health state and to help with the recovery. If you feel like you situation is more specific, then you should contact a specialist and work individually. 

We have 7 spots available and we need at least 3 sign ups for the course to start!

The course will be taught in English.